
Module 4 Discussion: Substantive Question and Answer

Module 4 Discussion

Following the Discussion Activities from the previous three modules, the goal of this exercise is to foster a supportive learning environment together by engaging in relevant topics of learning.  Through deeper discussion and analytical frameworks of questioning and critical examination, please address one of the following questions.  These are meant to be guides and I certainly encourage you to contribute your own novel and autonomous questions as well.

Substantive Question: Provide one substantive question to group discussion from one of your readings in the first learning block of this module – 5” 

Substantive Answer: Answer two substantive questions from group postings – 5”

Your questions can be based on any material that we have discussed thus far in the module. I have provided much reading material in this learning block from international organizations for example and you may wish to base your question on some of these resources.  Following are some suggestions:

  1. What are some of the things you have learned in this final module, especially from the last set of readings discussing food miles and its various arguments?
  2. What can we do as a nation to achieve food security in an unstable climate? This question is based within the Canadian context.
  3. What can we do as a community of nations (globally) to achieve food security in an unstable climate?
  4.  You may wish to comment on any aspect of what you have learned within this first block of learning.  Many of the topics in this final module relate directly to the topics we discussed in the previous three modules and weaves threads of those first food security and water security theories that you learned about.  You may try to encapsulate the most salient aspects from each module into your final question posed to your cohort of learners.



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