
What is Climate Change – How does Climate Change affect the Global Food Supply? (5 videos)

The following collection of videos provides an overview (primer) on how climate change is affecting our food supply and those who provide and produce food. It discusses how some producers are adapting locally and in some videos, it discusses what we need to do globally.

Please view the Required 5 YouTube Videos for a total of 30 minutes.

1. Global Warming Affects Crops, Food Supply – Required

The following video describes how climate changes has affected local crops in the state of Maryland, US. Crops are changing family farms and global crop production. And developing countries closest to the equator will be most affected. Africa is the main worry. Maize, soybeans, will be most affected for some of the most marginalized peoples in this part of the world. Insects, and weeds increase due to Greenhouse gasses (GHGs). Farmers are adapting however while Canada is one of the worst contributors to global GHGs. Total time is 3:52 minutes. Be prepared to offer a discussion in one of the methods in this video in your Substantive question and Weekly reflections.

2. How to feed the world in 2050: actions in a changing climate – Total time is 6:00 minutes. Required

The following video discusses agricultural production globally from a large macro-economic and climate change analysis. Climate change really began to hit in 1850 and since that time, growing demand for food and bioenergy crops, and water resources. Crop yields are declining. Given your new knowledge about food security, water security, climate change, food sovereignty, Indigenous food sovereignty, and local food systems, please listen very carefully to this narrative and think about how the thesis argument states that “we” (who is We???) will need to produce more food for populations (which populations) who are hardest hit. What types of agriculture can “feed the world”? Is it industrial or local agriculture and which type of agriculture contributes most to GHGs? Are GMOs the answer? What does intensification of agriculture mean exactly? And how is sustainably intensification mean? Is this an oxymoron? Remember how many of you have argued in your discussions and reflections that we need our food supply to be focused on supplying local food security.

3. Understanding Climate-Smart Agriculture – Total time is 2:46 minutes – Required

The following short video from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (UNFAO) discusses “Climate Smart Agriculture while also discussing global food security. The graphics in this video are interesting in that they use images of small-scale agriculture (horticulture) as a way to explain their message. I like this way of indicating that small scale farmers are affected by climate change but can adapt and mitigate against climate change within their local communities and regions. Remember that community or local food security based on food sovereignty principles is how I define food security, locally, nationally, and globally. The message in this video is currently the basis of research being conducted right here in BC!


4. Future of Food: Farming in the age of climate change –Total time is 7 minutes – Required

The following interesting video begins talking about the future of food. Based on a South Dakota family farm which has converted to organic farming from mono culture cropping cites economic reasons for doing so. In particular they discuss composting which replenishes the soil rather than using petro chemicals and other chemicals that render the soil inert and unfarmable in some cases…it can cause dust storms. It also shows an indoor farm that doesn’t even use dirt and uses technology to mimic the earth. Canada largely practices mono culture using conventional or industrial methods of growth. Do you agree with the speaker at 5:22 who discusses traditional agriculture and/vs exotic agriculture? This video also addresses food waste which many of you mentioned in your discussions and is predominantly a problem within affluent countries. Be prepared to discuss the arguments posed in this video in your upcoming discussions and reflections.

5. The Great Challenge: Farming, Food and Climate Change – Michael Pollan – Total time is 30:26 minutes. Required listening. Some of the Discussion and Reflection guided topics, and quiz questions will be based on this video.

Michael Pollan requires no introduction and I will let his lecture stand on his own. The first 15 minutes is required viewing but the rest of his lecture is also most interesting. Many of his topics are what have already been covered in this course thus far and tangentially relates to upcoming topics.



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