
What is Water – Supplemental Climate Resources (not required)

These links provide a deeper understanding of the effects of climate change on the water/weather cycle. As all of you come from a diversity of backgrounds, I think there is something for everyone here, and I am sure that most of you can contribute some of your own links to this page.


The Canadian Centre for Climate Services works to build climate change resilience across Canada by delivering climate services driven by user needs, providing access to climate information, building local capacity, and offering training and support.

PCIC collaborates with the CCCS and plays several roles in its network. These include providing climate information, through tools and in raw data, interpreting climate data and information, and doing direct climate communications outreach in communities across the province.

British Columbia’s Climate-Related Monitoring Program is a collaborative project involving are several BC ministries that collect weather data, BC Hydro, Rio Tinto, Metro Vancouver, the Capital Regional District, and PCIC. This project makes long- term meteorological observations available for professional users, through PCIC. CRMP provides information about each of the meteorological networks and the data available, including sampling, methods used, and quality assurance.

ClimateWNA is a program of the University of British Columbia’s Centre for Forest Conservation Genetics. ClimateWNA downscales a variety of data, including monthly PRISM data the output of global climate models for both historical simulations and future climate projections. ClimateWNA provides access to these data sets through a standalone desktop application and a web

The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) is a knowledge network that supports solutions-oriented research, relative to BC, develops educational tools and outreach activities to inform diverse audiences about climate change, and makes concrete recommendations to BC policymakers and climate stakeholders. PICS offers educational tools and a large number of publications on the science of climate change, climate solutions, and the policy and economics of climate change.

Oregon State University’s PRISM Climate Group develop spatial climate datasets, which include precipitation, vapor pressure, and temperature variables, using weather station observations and detailed methods that incorporate knowledge of the region, including expert assessments. The PRISM Climate Group offers datasets, as well as more information about how the PRISM datasets are formed and the development of the PRISM model.


The CLIMDEX project produces and provides datasets of climate extremes, using a suite of 27 climate extremes indices that were formulated by the Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices. CLIMDEX provides climate researchers with easy access to datasets, detailed information about their construction, software, trend maps, time series, and uncertainty estimates.

The joint CCI/CLIVAR/JCOMM Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices develops a number of tools for National Meteorological and Hydrological Service providers, including software toolkits, documentation, and other materials to guide users in both the use and calculation of climate indices, as well as guide users in data homogenization, improvement of global coverage and the assessment of climate indices.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is a scientific body open to all member countries of the UN and WMO. It provides comprehensive scientific assessments of the scientific community’s understanding of climate change and the effects of the changing climate, on both human societies and natural systems. It also examines our ability to mitigate climate change. The IPCC provides a variety of summary and assessment reports, from literature reviews to high-level overviews.

The North American Regional Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP) is an international effort that produces high-resolution regional climate model simulations of North America’s climate, for regional analysis and impacts studies. NARCCAP’s output includes both simulations of the historical period and future projections. NARCCAP provides access to regional simulated climate output from a large number of global climate model-regional climate model


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