
Module 2: Water Security

Module Description

In the second module, we examine the hydrological cycle and water security as defined by the United Nations. We also analyze various aspects of the importance of water to food production and climate change. We specifically look at programs in the Okanagan which address drought and flooding while reading about examples of successful management of water systems for food and agriculture and for improving agricultural adaptation and building resilience to climate change.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Explain the hydrological cycle and its principal functions.
  2. Describe the importance of precipitation globally and locally as it relates to food production.
  3. Explain how water management is inextricably tied to our food supply and thus the level of food security.  
  4. Understand how food production in the Okanagan is affected by climate change.
  5. Identify a successful adaptation strategy for the revitalization of Indigenous First Foods 

How to proceed with Module 2

Content Section 1

    • Read: Module 2 Overview (this page)
    • Watch Mini Lecture: Instructor Overview of Module 2
    • Read: The Hydrological Cycle: Overview of Water Cycle.
    • Watch YouTube video:  The Hydrological Cycle and the Influence of Climate Change on the Water Supply
    • (Optional) Read: Supplemental Climate Resources.
    • Quiz: The Water Cycle [not available in Pressbooks version]
    • Watch Mini Lecture: What is Water Security?
    • Watch Mini Lecture: Local Water Security in the Okanagan, Agriculture in the Okanagan.
    • Read: CAI Programs in the Okanagan addressing drought and flooding.
    • Discussion

Content Section 2

    • Case Study: Management Strategies that consider climate change.
    • Write: Guided Reflection


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Food & Water Security Copyright © by Dr. Joanne Taylor is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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