
Places of Myth

40 The Household

A lararium shrine framed by temple-like columns and pediment. Inside the columns, a fresco depicting the genius in a purple-trimmed toga, flanked by two lares holding cornucopias. A large snake in grass slithers beneath their feet.
Lararium in the House of the Vettii in Pompeii, ca. 1st century CE.

The household was an important site of worship in Greco-Roman antiquity. There were deities that were associated with the home and hearth and, particularly in Ancient Rome, individual families had familial gods, ancestral spirits to whom they paid homage.

  1. The Parilia was a rural agricultural festival of the deity Pales, celebrated on the 21st of April. Ovid explains this festival in Fasti, Book 4.
  2. Lampsacus was an ancient Greek town that was said to have been the birthplace of Priapus, and was therefore known for worshipping him.
  3. The Gauls comprised many tribes of people across Europe, and they had many conflicts with the Greeks and Romans. This siege may refer to the siege of Veii or the Battle of Allia, in the early 4th century BCE, when the Gauls invaded Rome. Livy provides an account of these events in Ab Urbe Condita, Book 5.
  4. Processions in Rome typically followed set routes through the city. This procession went from the Velabrum, a valley on the west side of Rome, to the Circus Maximus, a racing stadium towards the centre of the city.
  5. Vertumnus was a Roman god of seasons and plants. Ovid here provides a mythical etymology for the name, referring to Vertumnus having cleared the marshlands and enabled the Forum to be build (from averso amne, meaning "retreating/reversing current"). However, it is more historically likely that the name Vertumnus comes from an Etruscan deity with a similar name, Voltumna.


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