
Accessibility Statement

Open Access refers to an alternative academic publishing model in which research outputs (including peer-reviewed academic journal articles, theses, book chapters, and monographs) are made freely available to the general public for viewing, and often for reuse.


We are always committed to make our OER (open educational resources) more accessible to a wide range of users. This book follows the guidelines from OER Accessibility Toolkit published on Open UBC. The following checklist provides the accessibility features of this book.


Accessibility Checklist

Element Accessibility Features
Organizing Content
  • Contents is organized under headings and subheadings
  • Headings and subheadings are used sequentially
  • Images that convey information include Alternative Text (alt-text) descriptions of the image’s content or function.
  • Graphs and Charts include contextual or supporting details in the text surrounding the image.
  • Images do not rely on colour to convey information.
  • Images that are purely decorative contain empty alternative text descriptions.
  • Tables include row and column headers.
  • Table includes title or caption.
  • Tables in the main body of the book do not have merged or split cells.
  • Table has adequate cell padding.

Notes on “tables with merged cells”

  • Some thermodynamic tables in the Appendices have merged cells. It is difficult to change the layout because of the nature of the tables.
  • The weblink is meaningful in context, does not use generic text such as “click here” or “read more”.

Notes on “weblinks open new tabs”

  • Most examples in this book require reading data from the thermodynamic tables in the Appendices. Hyperlinks are created for the thermodynamics tables. They are set to open in new tabs intentionally because in this way students can easily extract thermodynamic data without loosing track of the example solution.
  • Most images in the webbook are associated with their source images, which usually have a higher resolution. When clicking on the images in the webbook, their source images will open in new tabs. This setting is intentional because it is easier for students to follow the flow of the content while referring to the source images (if needed) without interruptions.
  • Equations are created using LaTeX and are rendered using MathJax. All equations can be displayed as high-resolution, accessible equations in pop-up windows.
  • To trigger such display, right-click any equation in the book, then select “Math Settings”, “Zoom Trigger”, and then “Hover”. Users only need to set this setting once, and all equations in the book will show in pop-up windows when a reader hovers a mouse over the equation in the webbook.
Font Size
  • Font size is 12 point or higher for body text.
  • Font size is 9 point for footnotes or end notes.
  • Font size can be zoomed to 200%.


If you have problems accessing this book, please contact the author, Dr. Claire Yu Yan at yu.yan@ubc.ca. Please include the details of the issue, such as

  • A description of the issue
  • The location of the issue in the book (e.g., chapter, section, or paragraph). Please provide a web address or page description if possible.
  • The computer, software, browser, and any assistive technology you are using that can help us diagnose and solve your issue, e.g., Windows 11, macOS 12.5 Monterey, Firefox (Version 104.0.1), NVDA screen reader, and so on.

We will do our best to fix the issue.


This section is partially adapted from Open UBC, which is licensed under a

Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics Copyright © 2022 by Claire Yu Yan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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