

Basic Editing

Here’s an overview of some of the editing features and how you can use them to to give your students the best learning experience.

Once you are into your  course you may want to make changes and add content. To do so, you first need to turn editing on. Turning the editing feature on allows you to revise your course such as adding activities and resources, uploading files, deleting items, and moving or hiding sections or activities.

Click the Edit Mode on (slide button to right).  This is a toggle located on the right side of your course home page.


The pencil icon will appear next to where edits to Headings can be made.

Three stacked dots beside your item titles are you action menu.  An action menu appears where edits can be made to a section or topic, activity or resource.

Each section or topic, activity and resource you add to your course will have its own action menu. This menu will enable you to: edit settings, move the section/topic/activity/resource, ‘hide’ or make unavailable to students, duplicate, assign roles or delete.



Frequently Asked Questions

How do I add an activity or resource?

An activity is a group of features in Moodle that students can contribute to directly such as a quiz, assignment or forum. A resource is an item that instructors can use to support learning such as a book, file, page or folder. You can add an activity or resource to any section in your Moodle course.

In order to add an activity or resource, go into the course you would like to add an activity or resource to and turn editing on.

Then, go into the section you would like to add to and at the bottom of that section select Add an activity or resource.

This page demonstrates how you can add an Assignment activity.

Is there a quick way to upload files and images to my course?

Want a quicker way to add a file to your course, other than uploading it through the add an activity or resource link? You can now just drag and drop files (pictures and documents) to your course.

To do this, arrange your desktop so that you can view both your course in https://moodle.unbc.ca and the files on your computer that you want to add, at the same time.

Make sure editing is turned on, and then click and drag the files from your computer to drop them into the sections where you would like them placed in your course in https://moodle.unbc.ca

How do I delete items and sections from my course?

It is very simple to delete sections or items, to start, turn editing on within your course page. Next, find the item or section you want to delete. Finally click on the menu to the right of your item and from the drop down select Delete and this item will now be removed from your course.

How do I hide content from students?

You can hide sections or items very easily in https://moodle.unbc.ca.

Go to your course page, turn editing on, and look for the section or item you wish to hide from students.  Next,click on the menu to the right of your item, and from the drop down select Hide.

What are Announcements?

By default every course in https://moodle.unbc.ca comes with an Announcements forum and every student has a forced subscription. An announcement generates a post and an email to student UNBC email addresses, however students cannot reply back to these messages so it’s only a one way communication.

How do I send an Announcement right away without the editing time delay?

Please be aware that once you make an announcement, by default the message will be sent 45 minutes after you post it.

To send the announcement immediately, click the Advanced link below the announcements message.


You will notice this is also how you can add attachments and pin the post.

Check off the box next to where it says Send forum post notifications with no editing-time delay and click the Post to forum button.



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This work (An Instructor's Guide to Teaching & Learning With Technology @UNBC by UNBC CTLT) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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