In this selection, while getting ready to prepare imo shito with Obaasan, Keira Tomoko thinks back to her youth. This reading is at the upper beginner level.
計良智子, フチの伝えるこころーアイヌの女の四季 p. 24
Media Attributions
素材写真ジャガイモ by yto licensed under CC-BY 2.0.
Imo sito photo by Nina Langton licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
たね seed
じゅんび preparation
common cuckoo
ばあちゃん grandmother
ふゆ winter
こがい outdoors
こおる freeze
凍らす to make something freeze
だんご dumplings
しごと work
つち soil
こおる to freeze
とけ to melt
くりかえす to repeat
はる spring
だっすい dehydration; evaporation
つぶれる to be crushed, flattened
じょうたい state
あさい shallow
はは mother
きんじょ neighborhood
はたけ field/ farm
おちて(おちる) to fall
ひろいあつめる to gather
いえ house
びんぼう poor
ひろう to pick up
むしょうに very much; excessively
かなしい sad
きおく remember; memory
しょたい household
if you just; you only have to
すてる to throw out, discard
しょくりょう food
a waste
りかい understanding