This reading is appropriate for mid-to-upper beginners.
さいきん recently
しゅうかんやんぐじゃんぷ weekly comic for youth
れんさい series, serial publication
えいきょう influence
ぶんか culture
ちゅうもく attention, focus
大賞 award
ひじょう very
にんき popular
さくひん work of art
めいじじだい the Meiji period (1868-1912)
こうはん towards the end, the latter half
ほっかいどう northern island of Japan
ものがたり story, tale
とうじょう to appear on stage, arrive
しょくじ meals
かり hunting
げいじゅつ art
ぎしき ritual, ceremony
みんぞく race, people
はくぶつかん museum
かんちょう director
まんが comic
せだい generation
きょうみ interest