5 伝統的な男性と女性の生活 Traditional Male and Female Roles in Daily Life
The following words and kanji will help you in understanding and expressing ideas about the different daily work of men and women in traditional Ainu life.
This reading is appropriate for the upper beginner level.





Media Attributions
Knife made of metal, wood by © The Trustees of the British Museum is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0.
Ainu Women, by Tamoto Kenzō, c. 1890. Public Domain.
Ainu Woman Harvesting Seaweed, by Tamoto Kenzō. c. 1900. Public Domain.
Exhibits of models of man fishing and woman gathering roots, Upopoy National Ainu Museum and Park by Nina Langton licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
たんご word, vocabulary
おぼえる to remember, commit to memory
れんしゅうもんだい Practise questions
かんじ Chinese (Japanese) characters
でんとうてき traditional
やくわり role
だんせい man/male
どうぶつ animals
かり hunting
とくに especially
くま bear
しか deer
さかなつり fishing
しごと work
ぎしき ritual, ceremony
どうぐ tool
もよう pattern, design
ほる(ほって、ほった) to carve
じょせい women/female
きせつ season
しょくぶつ plants
とる to gather, pick (e.g. wild plants)
はたけ field/ farm
ほぞん preserve
にちじょう daily
すいじ cooking
こども child
としより elderly
せわ taking care of
きるもの clothing
おりもの textile, woven fabric
いれずみ tattoo
でんとう tradition
けっこん marriage
ねんれい age
あくま evil spirit, devil
まわり around, surrounding
にほんせいふ the Japanese government
きんし prohibit
かなしい sad
ていこう resistance (verb: ていこうする)