9 信仰 Spiritual Beliefs
This reading is for mid-to-upper beginner level learners.



考えましょう かんがえましょう Reflection
What do you know about the spiritual beliefs of the Indigenous Peoples of the territory where you live?
Media Attributions
Iomante1. Author unknown. CC0.
Bear decorated for Iomante ceremony; Inau offering stakes, Upopoy National Ainu Museum by Nina Langton licensed under CC-BY 4.0.
Photo credits for vocabulary flashcards:
Ainu Offering: “IPinCH project” by SFU – Communications & Marketing licensed under CC-BY-2.0.
Helping one another out! by Teck Ghee Primary School is licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA 2.0.
“Earth” by Kevin M. Gill is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Sun” by gr33n3gg is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Forest near Vřesina” by Jiri Brozovsky is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
Windy Knowledge. Public Domain.
しんこう spiritual belief(s)
かみ(さま) god
いろいろ various
やくわり role
にんげん human
せかい world
はたす to accomplish, fulfill
きた (くる、きます) to come
しん(じる) to believe
どうぶつ animals
やま mountain
かわ river
たいよう sun
かぜ wind
もり forest
びょうき disease, sickness
ひつよう necessary
すべて all
やどって to dwell/reside
おたがい reciprocally, with each other
たすけあって(たすけあう) to help each other
せいかつ life/living
for example
くま bear
にく meat
けがわ fur
おかえし a gift in return
おさけ alcohol
to offer, to devote
かぞく family
おくりかえす to send back
ぎしき ritual, ceremony
とくに especially
おくる to send
すむ to live, reside
たいせつ important
いちばん number one