14 博物館と観光産業 はくぶつかんとかんこうさんぎょう Museums and Tourism
This reading is at the lower-intermediate level.

Recommended Reading
Ainu perspective on Ainu artefacts in museum collections by Kanako Uzawa, curator of the exhibition, A Soul in Everything / Encounters with Ainu from the North of Japan, at the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum in Germany.

考えましょう かんがえましょう Reflection
- What roles have museums and the tourism industry played in the preservation of Indigenous cultures?
- What roles have museums and the tourism industry played in the exploitation of Indigenous cultures?
Media Attributions
Upopoy National Ainu Museum and Park, Biratori Municipal Nibutani Ainu Culture Museum by Nina Langton is licensed under CC-BY 4.0
ぶんか culture
しせつ facility
しらおい Shiraoi - name of town in Hokkaido
しせつない inside the facility
はくぶつかん museum
こうえん park
せかいかん worldview
つたえる to convey, tell
ちしき knowledge
へって to lessen, decrease
せいふ government
せいさく policy
しゅうしん center
にほん Japan
てつどうがいしゃ railway companies
ほっかいどう northern island of Japan
てつどう railways, train tracks
ひろげる(ひろめ、ひろがる) to spread, widen / (ひろまる、ひろめる) circulate, popularize
めいじじだい the Meiji period (1868-1912)
たいしょうじだい Taisho era (1912-1926)
こくみん national citizen
かんこう tourism
すすめる to recommend
けっか result, consequence
かんこうきゃく tourist
かんこうち tourist site
あかんこ Akan lake
しゅうらく settlement
みんか folk home
でんとうこうげいひん traditional Crafts
じぎょう business
いけん opinion
かせぐ to earn money, profit
みせもの spectacle
うりもの something for sale
はんたい oppose