
1 アイヌ民族の昔の歴史 Early Ainu History

The vocabulary and kanji exercises are based on words and characters that appear in the reading and that will be useful in expressing ideas about history, culture, trade and a fisher-hunter-gatherer society. The reading selection is appropriate for upper beginner level.





Choose the option for the kanji that completes the word. (問題は六つあります。)



Click on the words in red to see the reading and meaning.


light brown pottery vase with circular perforation design
Image: Early Ainu Pottery vase.



Map of Ainu Moshir including Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Kuriles and Kamchatka Pennisula
Map: Ainu Moshir, traditional territory of the Ainu


13世紀ごろから、南の方に住んでいた和人(今の日本人)とアイヌの人たちは交流交易食べ物や他の物を交換すること)をし始めた。そのころの和人は、北海道を「えぞ」と言った。江戸時代 (1603 – 1868)に入ってからは、物の交換をする人がもっと多くなった。アイヌの人たちは魚や昆布毛皮和人お米お酒お皿などを交換したが、交換の条件不公平で、和人の方がお金をもうけるようになっていた。それで、アイヌの人たちは不満を感じて、時々あらそいが起こった。

konbu kelp
Image: Konbu, or kelp.








Sentences Modifying Nouns (in English, Relative Clauses)

Sentences can, like adjectives, modify nouns to give more information about that noun. For example, in the following sentence, ‘where they live’ modifies and gives more information about the noun ‘land.’ The Ainu called the land where they live “Ainu Moshir.”  The equivalent sentence in Japanese is アイヌは自分住む土地を「アイヌモシリ」と言った。In English, we require a relative pronoun (in this sentence, ‘where’) to introduce the modifying sentence ‘they lived.’ In Japanese, however, it’s much easier to create these modifiers because you just need to put the sentence in the plain form and place it in front of the noun – 住む土地. There’s no need for the relative pronouns like “who”, “which”, “where”, etc. that are required in English. See if you can spot the modifying sentences in the following exercise.




〜てしまう is a verb construction used to show that something regrettable, unintentional or unfortunate happens or happened. The main verb is conjugated into the 〜て form and attached to a form of the verb しまう (which literally means to completely finish doing something).




Painting of samurai and Ainu interaction from around 1775
Image: Samurai and Ainu Fuzoku Ema, approximately 1775.  Edo-period painter.


考えましょう かんがえましょう Reflection

What do you think the painting above indicates about how the Wajin of the time viewed the Ainu people? Can you think of any similar paintings from your own cultural tradition that record encounters with Indigenous Peoples and early settlers?

Media Attributions

Vase by The Trustees of the British Museum is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

Kiska Kelp” by Buzz Hoffman is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0.

Samurai and Ainu Fuzoku Ema by painter unknown. Public domain.

  1. Kayano Shigeru, Ainu to kamigami no monogatari: Robata de kiita uwepekere (Tokyo: Yamakei Library, 2020), 21.


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Indigenizing the Japanese Language Curriculum Copyright © 2023 by Nina Langton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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