
アイヌ民族の歴史 Ainu History

This section includes a very basic overview of Ainu history.  While what is now called Ainu culture seems to have emerged by the 12th or 13th centuries, the origins and ancestors of the Ainu culture are not completely clear.  One theory is that the Ainu culture grew out of the earlier Jomon or Satsumon cultures and was influenced by the northern Okhotsk culture. If you are interested in a more detailed history, please consult the materials in the reference list below.



  • Recognize the traditional geographical location of the Ainu Peoples
  • Demonstrate a basic understanding of the history of the Ainu Peoples before and after contact with the Japanese
  • Understand the implications of the policy of assimilation for the Ainu, both in historical and contemporary periods
  • Reflect on the history of the Indigenous Peoples in your own nation
  • Be able to recognize specialized vocabulary, grammar and kanji relevant to the topic of Ainu history



財団法人アイヌ文化振興・研究推進機構. 2008. アイヌ民族;歴史と現在ーー未来を共に生きるために.札幌.

The Foundation for Research and Promotion of Ainu Culture. 2009. Together with the Ainu: History and Culture. Sapporo.

Kayano, Shigeru. 2020. Ainu to kamigami no monogatari: Robata de kiita uwepekere. Tokyo: Yamakei Library.

Upopoy National Ainu Museum and Park website. https://ainu-upopoy.jp/en/

Kayano Shigeru. Wikipedia Website. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shigeru_Kayano


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