
Video Accessibility

Integrated Audio Description

Integrated Audio Description Best Practices

  • Write a script or speaker notes.
  • Avoid vague references and refer to specifics.
    • Avoid “where my mouse is” or “here.”
    • Mention toolbars, page numbers, menus, and other named elements or objects.
  • Avoid sensory dependent instructions.
    • Such as colours and shapes.
  • Describe actions and results.
    • What did you do and what happened?
  • Orient with relative positions.
    • Describe relative to named specifics.

Refer to Video Accessibility for more information.


Use the element below (or a blank document or a piece of paper) and script—with integrated audio descriptions—how you access your work’s digital employee interface (Office 365, SharePoint, WorkDay, etc.). Take 3-5 minutes to complete this exercise.

How to use this workbook
  1. Select the buttons such as “What’s happening?” to reveal a textbox.
  2. Type a brief response to each prompt.
  3. Use the arrow buttons in the bottom right of the interactive to move to the next steps.
  4. Repeat on each page to add information such as setting, actions, and results.
  5. When you reach the export page, use the Create document button to generate a script you can export or copy.

Now you’ve got a script—with integrated descriptions—for your next video! In addition to create a more accessible video, deliberate scripting helps you convey your expertise and inspires confidence in your audience.

Let’s review on the next page.


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Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning Copyright © 2023 by Briana Fraser and Luke McKnight is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.