
Accessibility FAST

Accessibility FAST

There are three frameworks to use to remember the key points of digital accessibility: SCULPT[1], THRIVES[2], and FAST.

SCULPT reminds authors to check:
Colour and Contrast
Use of images
Plain English

THRIVES reminds authors to focus on:
Inclusive font

The above frameworks are useful methods to remember key accessibility concerns. To focus on the important areas of digital accessibility this guide uses the FAST approach to organize major accessibility fundamentals.

FAST emphasizes:
Text equivalents


Function means material:

  • Conveys information effectively in plain language appropriate to audience.
  • Is responsive and customizable (Word documents, EPUB, and HTML are much more accessible than PDF).
    • Can be accessed by mouse, keyboard, on a phone, etc.
    • Can be read aloud, zoomed in, viewed in dark/night mode.
  • Has no media that automatically plays.
  • No content flashes more than 3 times per second.


Appearance means content:

  • Has readable fonts.
  • Has sufficient colour contrast.
  • Does not rely on visual style, such as colour, alone to distinguish or emphasize.


Structure ensures content has:

  • Visual and coded structure, including headings (not just larger, bold font), lists, and titles.
  • Tables with headers and logical order.
  • Left-justified text (for languages that read left to right).

Text Equivalents

Including text equivalents is essential for accessibility. Ensure:

  • Images have equivalent descriptions provided via adjacent text, figure captions, or alternative text or are marked as decorative where applicable
  • Links are presented as descriptive, visually distinct, linked text not bare URLs.
  • Charts have linked or adjacent table data.
  • Videos have closed captions
  • Audio has transcripts

In addition, use available accessibility tools and resources, including:

  • Templates
  • Accessibility checkers and
  • This Pressbook
    • This resource is organized along the FAST framework. The details of FAST are not meant to be memorized, nor is the material in this book. Bookmark this Pressbook to use as a guide when creating content.



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Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning Copyright © 2023 by Briana Fraser and Luke McKnight is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.