
Math Accessibility

Math Conversion Tools

As of November 2023, it is not possible to go directly from a TeX document to an accessible PDF. One potential solution for converting LaTeX to an accessible PDF is MathPix.


MathPix may be a useful tool for converting LaTeX to various formats including Word and PDF. MathPix is available free (with some limitations) to educators.

To create an accessible PDF from LaTeX:

  1. From the MathPix homepage, select Note.
    1. Choose New blank note
    2. Or Upload a .md, .tex, or .txt file to upload an existing document.
      1. Note, this may make more work than it saves.
    3. Write, or paste, LaTeX in left hand pane.
    4. Take note of output preview in right hand pane.
    5. Select Export File and choose PDF (with HTML) or DOCX.

To make an existing math PDF more accessible:

  1. From the MathPix homepage, select PDF.
  2. Choose existing PDF to upload.
  3. Click Upload.
  4. When completed, PDF options will appear in left hand toolbar.
  5. Select Convert to note.
  6. MathPix will display a side by side of LaTeX and potential output.
  7. Select Export File and choose PDF (with HTML).

Some issues persist in conversion. Ensure content appears as intended before exporting.

Use PDF only as a last option as it is an inherently inaccessible format.


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Accessibility Handbook for Teaching and Learning Copyright © 2023 by Briana Fraser and Luke McKnight is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.