Chapter 10: Intelligence and Language
True or False?
Remember – don’t just answer True or False, see how much you can remember about each topic.
- Down syndrome is a chromosomal disorder.
- In a normal distribution, most scores are toward the low end.
- If a new intelligence test turned out to measure patience rather than intelligence, it would have high construct validity.
- Eugenicists believe that people with low intelligence should be deterred from having children.
- A word is the smallest unit of sound that makes a meaningful difference in a language.
- Babbling is the same as talking.
- Convergent thinking seeks to find a single, correct answer.
- Spearman believed that there were many specific intelligences but no general intelligence factor.
- Wernicke’s area is responsible for language comprehension.
- The concept of linguistic relativity refers to the fact that some languages are harder to learn than others.
- true
- false
- false
- true
- false
- false
- true
- false
- true
- false