Clinical side of COPD
Jennifer Kong
Want more practice with the clinical side of COPD? Or to read what it’s like for a patient to have an exacerbation of COPD and a subsequent lung infection? See these additional Open Education resources.
A Patient’s Journey Through the Health Care System
Meet fictional patient Erin Johns in the Appendices: Case Study for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) where we follow her journey from an exacerbation of COPD and her hospital admission for a lung infection, as she meets many health care professionals working together on her diagnosis and care.
Select Clinical Skills used by Health Care Providers
To learn about the skills of assessing a patient with signs and symptoms of heart failure, please read chapter 2 “Patient Assessment” from the Open Education resource Clinical Procedures for Safer Patient Care by Doyle & McCutcheon.