
Gross pathology of cirrhotic liver

Jennifer Kong

Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:

  • Describe morphological changes in liver during cirrhosis
  • Explain why there are fatty changes and nodules in liver.

Cirrhosis is classified based on morphology or cause. Morphology is not as clinically useful as classification by cause (etiology) when determining treatment options.

Morphologically, cirrhosis has bumps (nodules) which can be micronodular (<3mm), macronodular (>3mm), or mixed.

  • Micronodular cirrhosis have uniform nodules less than 3 mm in diameter. Micronodular cirrhosis is most often associated with high alcohol usage, hemochromatosis, hepatic venous outflow obstruction, and chronic biliary obstruction.
  • Macronodular cirrhosis have irregularly sized and shaped nodules, greater than 3 mm in diameter.  Macronodular cirrhosis is most often associated with chronic hepatitis infection (e.g. hepatitis B and C), alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (see Emphysema chapter), and chronic inflammation of bile ducts (primary biliary cholangitis).
  • Mixed cirrhosis (when features of both micronodular and macronodular cirrhosis are present): Usually, micronodular cirrhosis progresses into macronodular cirrhosis over time.



Cirrhotic livers presented by Jennifer Kong using DHPLC specimens M0313 Liver Cirrhosis with fatty changes;  M0311 – Macronodular cirrhosis (post-necrotic); and M0303 – cirrhosis and acute viral hepatitis

Section Summary

Cirrhotic livers will have obvious morphological changes regardless of the cause.  Cirrhotic livers tend to be smaller due to loss of hepatocytes and stiffer due to the presence of fibrotic scar tissue. This scar tissue is responsible for the nodular pattern seen inside and on the surface of the liver.  Sometimes, cirrhotic livers have fatty accumulation which makes the liver more pale and yellow compared to the normal rich red/brown.

Review questions

1. Select 5 correct statements from the list below. 

  • When a liver is first damaged, it will be larger than normal due to inflammatory swelling.
  • Repeated injury to the liver will immediately make the liver turn yellow and pale.
  • Chronic injury to the liver will result in loss of hepatocytes, thus making the liver larger.
  • Repeated injury to the liver, faster than regeneration, will result in the net loss of hepatocytes; thus making the liver smaller.
  • The liver regenerates easily after injury, often making more hepatocytes than what was lost – resulting in a larger size.
  • Chronic injury to the liver leads to chronic inflammation which means permanent swelling of the hepatocytes.
  • Repeated injury to the liver, faster than regeneration, will result in the net loss of hepatocytes; thus making the liver smaller.
  • The liver regenerates easily after injury, often making more hepatocytes than what was lost – resulting in a larger size.
  • Chronic injury to the liver leads to chronic inflammation which means permanent swelling of the hepatocytes.
  • In some situations like alcohol usage or obese conditions, fat will accumulate in the liver giving it a pale appearance
  • Chronic viral hepatitis is known for fat accumulation, resulting in an enlarged nodular fatty appearance
  • All livers will accumulate fat during cirrhosis, giving the liver a pale yellow in appearance
  • Cirrhotic livers are pale because of reduced blood flow
  • Cirrhotic livers are pale due to the infiltration of pale substances such as iron
  • Cirrhotic livers get darker due to the fibrotic scar tissue
  • Nodules of varying size appear on cirrhotic livers due to the deposition of fibrotic tissue to replace hepatocytes
  • Micronodules are >1cm and are common in all types of cirrhotic causes
  • Macronodular cirrhosis is associated with periodic alcohol usage



Answer Key

  1. Review the statements below:
  • When a liver is first damaged, it will be larger than normal due to inflammatory swelling.
  • Repeated injury to the liver, faster than regeneration, will result in the net loss of hepatocytes; thus making the liver smaller.
  • In some situations like alcohol usage or obese conditions, fat will accumulate in the liver giving it a pale appearance.
  • Cirrhotic livers are pale because of reduced blood flow.
  • Nodules of varying size appear on cirrhotic livers due to the deposition of fibrotic tissue to replace hepatocytes.



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