

A capstone project supports students drawing together what they have learned by focusing on a specific area of interest as the basis for their project work. The purpose of the project is to incorporate what you have learned during the POSE program in a practical way.

The capstone project is meant to support you critically thinking about the POSE content, selecting an area of interest, setting practical goals, and completing those goals with the potential for long term application in your practice. While the capstone project can take a wide variety of forms, from engaging in a tool to openly sharing your educational materials to applying the principles of open workflows to an existing project, the capstone project should provide you with an opportunity to engage in open scholarship with guidance and support from the POSE program participants and facilitators.

This unit covers the following:

  • An outline of the capstone project requirements, including suggested content and how to share your completed project
  • Strategies for developing your capstone project
  • Examples of projects related to open access, open research, and open education
  • How to get support and feedback for your project

Want to Get a Head Start on Your Capstone?

Take a look at this Capstone Project Template as a guide to developing your project.


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