

When the data is accessible by public- sometimes you automatically assume that the data is “open”. That is not always the case.

For this activity you will find data that is accessible by public, and analyze if the data is considered as “Open Data” or not.

In the comment below:

  1. Find the data from a data repository, data publication or open data portal – and share the URL of the data. Use the OAD to get started: http://oad.simmons.edu/oadwiki/Data_repositories.
  2. Tell us if the data you found is “Open Data” – why or why not.

For Example

The data set from City of Vancouver is considered as open data because according to their open data license page – the data allows you to :

  • adapt and re-use the data
  • use it for commercial purpose
  • data is accessible by public.

Hint: If you’re unsure if the data is open or not- review “What is Open Data” in the Open Data module.

Complete this Activity

After you do this assignment, please share it with the comment below it can appear with other responses below. If your response exists at a public viewable URL, you can add the information directly to this site.

Image Credit: Image used on featured image: JohnsonGohDataCC0 1.0


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