

During the capstone module, you’ll be asked to work on a project in which you’ll apply one or more aspects of open scholarship to your scholarly practice. In this activity, please take a moment to reflect on Open Education and think about some different ways it could be applied to your work. This activity draws upon the Stanford University design thinking framework and a goal is, as a group, to generate and capture different ideas that could later be developed into capstone projects. This activity should take approximately 20 minutes.

Scenario: Breaking News!

Due to Covid, your university has pivoted to remote teaching and learning. As a result of being online, there have been increased discussions about the tools and technologies being used, student wellness and equity, costs of learning materials, and the need to build more academic and scholarly practices into course projects and assignments. As a response to these discussions, your department head has asked you if it would be possible to integrate any aspects of open education into your teaching and learning or any of the departmental or university processes.

Step 1: Brainstorm!

Take three minutes and think about a recent teaching and learning practice, assignment, or resource that is not currently open. How could you change that practice or project to help meet an open education mandate? Write down as many ideas as you can generate in three minutes.


  • I currently use a textbook that costs $100. Could I replace that with OER?
  • My mid-term is a five page paper and I’m pretty sure that after I mark it, my students never look at it again. Could I change the assignment so that the student work has value beyond the course?
  • At our university, students never know the full price of their course materials until after they enroll in their courses. Would it be possible to provide them info about the cost of course materials (and any OER being used) before they register?

Step 2:  Reframe the Idea!

In this step, please take one of your ideas that you have jotted down and reframe it in terms of the practice that you would like to change. Please restate your idea using the following format: Transform [the practice] to [the goal].


  • Transform [a traditional essay assignment] into a project where [students edit Wikipedia so their efforts have value beyond the course].
  • Transform the [assigned textbook] into one is [both free of costs and adapted to be more meaningful to the my students].

Step 3: Getting Started:

Take your reframed idea and write down two or three steps that you could accomplish in three hours that would help you begin to meet your idea.


  • Transform [a traditional essay assignment] into a project where [students edit Wikipedia so their efforts have value beyond the course].
    • Research examples from other courses or instructors that have done Wikipedia assignments.
    • Think about what support I would need to take on this assignment.
    • Think about what support and scaffolding my students would need. Think about any risk or privacy aspects that may need to be addressed.
    • Sign up for a Wikipedia account and make some edits so I have a better understanding of the processes.

Step 4: Share!

Take your ideas and getting started steps and share them with the group. To do so, we’ll be using a padlet, which is a form of an online sticky note board. To get started, click on the + symbol in the bottom right of the below padlet to start a blank note and then write or paste your idea into the new note.

Add your reflections to the padlet below.


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