

As promised, here is a list of upcoming events related to open for January! For a full calendar of all events, webinars, and workshops in Open Scholarship, go to the Open Scholarship Calendar. The events are open to anyone interested.

We will send monthly reminders.

Open Chat with Mark Turin

Join Mark Turin, Associate Professor, UBC Institute for Critical Indigenous Studies & Department of Anthropology. Author of Ownership, Control, Access & Possession in Open Access Humanities Publishing, in a discussion of the challenges related to open access. 

Copyright and Licensing in Open Educational Resources

Does your project include work created by others? Do you have questions about Creative Commons licenses and how to incorporate licensed works into your project? This session will introduce you to copyright basics for your OER project and take you through licensing considerations to ensure that your work is reusable by others. Importantly it will also provide you with a simple workflow to help you identify and respect Creative Commons licensed works.


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