

In this module, we have explored open workflows, their importance in reproducibility and replicability in research across disciplines and best practices for organizing research outputs.

Key Takeaways

  • A research workflow is a repeatable series of steps that transforms information or processes data or other information in some way. Open workflows are the processes of ensuring that enough information is openly shared about how you got from an idea to a conclusion, an inspiration, or an output, the tools that you used, and enough of the interim steps to communicate the complex context of your work.
  • The inability to reproduce or replicate research work in the digital age is a major driver in the need for open workflows.
  • Open workflows begin with analyzing research to find ways to improve the organization and share-ability of the materials, including considering pre-registration of studies, increasing documentation, and sharing research outputs in a manner that is easily identified, collated, and packaged for openly sharing.
  • Using open workflow tools (e.g. OSF) provides a central landing place for all research collaborators, project files, and to track versions of project outputs. Tools such as OSF can provide a structure for sharing your research openly.


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