29 Mediation
Figure 1. Schematic representing how tuna may mediate the feeding interaction between albatrosses and small pelagics
The development of the mediation concept and its inclusion in EwE comes from a model failure – that’s often how we best learn how to improve models. There’s nothing like failures! Jim Kitchell and co-conspirators such as Carl Walters were at a NCEAS working group in Santa Barbara, Ca, making an Ecosim model of the central North Pacific Ocean with focus on tuna. They modelled how the ecosystem of the North Pacific had changed over time, starting back before tuna fisheries were introduced in the open ocean. Their model predicted that as the tuna fisheries increased, the target tuna populations would decrease, and this would have a cascading effect on their main prey, various small pelagic fish. This, in turn would result in more prey being available for large piscivorous birds such as albatrosses, and the model indeed predicted an increase in these birds.
Everyone was happy with this prediction – until they presented their model and findings at a seminar at NCEAS. There, a bird biologist chimed in: “But that is not what has happened there, albatrosses declined with the introduction of tuna fisheries”, and she made it clear that it was not because of incidental catch of seabirds in longline fisheries. Back to the drawing board then. Something was indeed wrong with the model, and the discussion soon focused on a non-trophic effect where the abundance of one group may impact the feeding interactions by other predators and their prey. We call this kind of indirect trophic effect “mediation”.
In this case, tuna tend to stay in deeper and colder oceanic waters and only occasionally make foraging sprints up to the warmer surface layers. The smaller pelagics can better cope with the warmer surface water and when there are tuna around they tend to stay up there to minimize tuna predation. When the tuna do move up to forage, they drive the small pelagics closer to the surface. This in turn makes the small pelagics more accessible to albatrosses, which only can forage in the upper few meters of the ocean – they are not divers. When tuna become less abundant because of fisheries pressure, there is less need for the small pelagics to stay in the upper water layers, indeed the risk of predation by birds that are better divers may well make them go deeper. It’s a balancing act of predation risk to be a small pelagic in a risky world.
What we have here is a mediation effect where the abundance of one group (tuna) impacts the feeding interaction between two other groups, albatrosses as predators and small pelagics as prey. An example of how to implement this in EwE is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Mediation function for how tuna may impact the feeding interactions between albatrosses and small pelagics. X axis is tuna biomass, Y axis is relative exposure or vulnerability of small pelagics to albatross.
In Figure 2, the X-axis represents the biomass of the mediator, tuna. When setting up mediation (Ecosim > Input > Mediation) one can define a shape such as in Figure 2. The next step then is to define the mediating group (Define mediating groups and fleets on the same form), so that the X-axis is defined once the shape has been set. The Y-axis represents the feeding interaction between the impacted predator and prey, which is defined at Ecosim > Input > Mediation > Apply mediation and which can be applied to consumers and producers separately[1]. In the original case, one would select tuna as the mediator, and as impacted groups, albatrosses as the predator and small pelagics as the prey.
The blue vertical stippled line in Figure 2 represents the Ecopath base mediator (e.g., tuna) biomass, and it can be moved freely. Moving it far to the left would imply that lower tuna biomasses would not result in notable less interactions between the impacts groups, but higher would. So, that would not work for the original case, which is probably best represented where the line is now since the mediating species is not expected to ever grow much higher in biomass than its ecopath base value.
What shape should one use for a given mediation function? There is no clear answer to that, so you should evaluate several alternatives. This is not an issue that has seen much attention in field studies, since it is typically difficult to obtain data well spaced over a range of mediator biomass densities, though the interest is growing thanks to the implementation in EwE. The best advice is to do what makes sense, and to try alternative formulations to evaluate their impact notably as part of time series fitting. Or, with a warning, “handle mediation functions with care”.[2]
What do you do if the (time-varying) mediator isn’t a functional group or fleet in your model?
Make it a group. You can for instance add a detritus group that isn’t connected to anything, and then force the “biomass” of that group with the time-varying pattern.
Mediation functions are used in both Ecosim and Ecospace. The mediation functions are implemented in the code the same way as for forcing functions (see Environmental impacts chapter). Thus, when you apply the forcing functions to a consumer, you can (as for environmental forcing functions) choose between applying to search rate (a), vulnerability (v), arena area (A), or both v and A, combined. When applying mediation to a producer, the production rate (P/B) is impacted.
Mediation can for instance be used to model,
- How turbidity may impact benthic primary producers. This could be due to shading from phytoplankton or perhaps it is turbid river runoff that impacts a coral reef. In that case, define “turbidity” as a detritus group, and force its “biomass” over time.
- How bottom trawling may resuspend nutrients and increase phytoplankton production
- How the “whale pump” brings nutrients to the surface and makes them available for phytoplankton production
- How bottom trawling may crush benthic organisms and make them available to scavengers
- How oyster spat preferably settle on old oyster shells. For this, add a “shells” detritus group, and send oyster mortality to that group. Then define a perhaps linear increasing function, define the “shells” as mediator, and define the feeding interaction between oyster and phytoplankton as the impacted interaction. It may be worth a try to make oysters a multi-stanza group, and make “shells” impact the youngest stanza’s (the spat’s) feeding only.
- How kelp, other macro algae, oyster reefs or corals may be used as hiding places for juvenile fish, thus reducing their predation risk
- How tuna mediates the interaction between albatrosses and small pelagics, and vice versa how albatrosses scare small pelagics from the surface and mediates the interaction between tuna and small pelagics
- How to represent decline in consumption rates by zooplankton with high biomass of inedible blue green algae[3]
- How schooling of small pelagics to minimize piscivore encounter rates may make them more susceptible to predators that thrive on schooling aggregations, (e.g., humpback whales)
- How cleaner wrasse may improve the health of large reef-associated fish[4]
- How (1) fish aggregation devices (FADs) attract tuna and make them more accessible to tuna seiners, and (2) dolphins may herd certain fish towards artisanal cast net fishers, and in a symbiotic manner be rewarded with a share of the catch.[5].
Media Attributions
- Screenshot from EwE, not copyrighted.
- In principle, this can also be applied to fleets, but we have not implemented that yet. Ask if you need it. ↵
- Harvey, C.J., 2014. Mediation functions in Ecopath with Ecosim: Handle with care. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 71, 1020–1029. https://cdnsciencepub.com/doi/10.1139/cjfas-2013-0594 ↵
- Kao, Adlerstein and Rutherford, 2014, The relative impacts of nutrient loads and invasive species on a Great Lakes food web: An Ecopath with Ecosim analysis, Journal of Great Lakes Research, 40 (Supplement 1), 35-52, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2014.01.010. This paper uses four different mediation functions. ↵
- Ainsworth et al. 2007. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228377022 ↵
- The effect required for these cases is, however, not incorporated in EwE yet. It requires that fleets can be impacted – if you need this, ask ↵