Tutorial: Anchovy Bay Ecosampler

Ecosampler is a routine that creates alternative Ecopath models, and then uses each of these models for analysis based on the core EwE routines (i.e. Ecopath, Ecosim, and Ecospace). Ecosampler is included in EwE Vers. 6.6., and is available from Menu > Tools > Ecosampler in the Navigator.

The Ecosampler guide is in the EwE User Guide.

Open the Ecosampler form and check the Record button (making it red for recording). Go to Ecosim > Tools > Monte Carlo simulation, and run. Notice in the Ecosampler interface that it saves each balanced Ecopath model.

Turn of the Ecosampler recording. Follow the directions in the Ecosampler User Guide.

Ecosampler can run for the basic Ecopath run, Ecosim run and Ecospace run, as well as run loaded plug-ins. But it cannot (yet) run the various modules built into EwE, e.g., policy search, fit to time series. For now, you can load a sample at the time in the Ecosampler routine, then run the various routines in EwE, one after the other. Or, design a plug-in that will do that!


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