Tutorial: Policy exploration procedure
About this tutorial: It is intended for more complex applications of the fishing policy module rather than for introductory EwE courses. There’s a simpler tutorial to start with (link).
Preparation: Read the Fishing policy optimization chapter (see chapter) and the User Guide interface description (see chapter) before embarking on this tutorial.
The EwE policy exploration module is a complex but capable beast, designed for policy exploration of trade-offs, not for providing management advice for direct implementation. The policy advice it can produce is strategic rather than tactical (i.e. broad, directional policy advice rather than specific management advice). It can thus contribute at the table where policy discussions take place, in particular by providing options for and trade-offs in ecosystem-based management.
In this tutorial, we’ll go through and explain details for how the module may be used for actual policy exploration. As part of this, we will outline, step by step, a procedure we find useful for conducting a more complete policy exploration that can be published and potentially can contribute to policy development.
Model scope and behaviour
We assume that your model is indeed to be used for actual policy exploration, and advise that the model, while being predictive (rather than descriptive, see the Defining the ecosystem chapter) should include the fleets among which the policy module will seek to balance trade-offs – this may well be all fleets operating in the given ecosystem as the tradeoffs often are through food web interactions and bycatch. Further, the target species for the fishery should be included in the model, along valued species that they take as bycatch, along with their prey and competitors, and where applicable top predators such as marine mammals and species of conservation concern.
It is important for the model behaviour in response to proposed fisheries changes that the model is fitted to time series data – this implies that density dependence related to carrying capacity has been considered (see Density dependence and carrying capacity chapter), and the vulnerability multipliers that affect population resilience have been modified accordingly, (see Vulnerability and vulnerability multiplier chapter).
It should hardly come as a surprise that we use Anchovy Bay for illustration in this tutorial. If needed, you can download a version of the Anchovy Bay model that is fitted to time series data from this link.
What fleets to consider?
If you have fleets in your system that it does not make sense to optimize for, e.g., optimizing for profit for a recreational fleet or a “catch-all” IUU[1] fleet, they can be considered in optimizations without being included in optimization searches. For this, on the Blocks form in the interface select the first (black) block, then click the name of the fleet in the spreadsheet, and all years will be blackened out. When this is done, the Ecosim effort will remain as entered for that group, but the calculations of objectives will still include impacts of and on the blocked fleet(s).
As an example, the recreational fleet may be relying on a species that is also a target for a commercial fleet that is considered in the optimizations. Abundance changes caused by changing the commercial fleet effort will then impact the catch rates of the recreational fleet, which in turn will impact optimization measures that are affected by the recreational fleet.
Exploratory analysis
Objective ranges
Policy explorations are often intended to explore less extreme, more balanced solutions for fleet tradeoffs. That calls for using weights on several policy objectives (see textbook Policy exploration chapter) – but what weights are needed to make the resulting fishing efforts “balanced”? Using the same weight (e.g., 1) for all objectives is not likely to results in a reasonable balance of performance measures. What then?
When you are ready to explore the policy optimization, the first step is to evaluate the range of optimized fishing efforts that result for each objective. Open your model (or Anchovy Bay from this link), load the Ecosim scenario you want to use, but do not load time series. Then run four policy searches with default settings varying only the objective weights. In the first search give the Net economic value a relative weight of 1, and leave the relative weight on all other objectives at 0. In the second run, give the Social value (employment) a value of 1, and all others 0. Then third and fourth runs are with only weights on Ecosystem structure and Biodiversity, respectively.
There is no need to include the Mandated rebuilding objective in the range of tested optimizations as this objective differs in behaviour, and serves a purpose different from other objectives. When invoked it is either, (1) a forced rebuilding or (2) providing a limit for the minimum acceptable biomass (Blim). This objective is thus intended to take precedence over all other objectives, and it should have a weight that trump all other objectives, (so very high, e.g., 100). The Mandated rebuilding is functional group specific, and only impacts the optimization when the biomass of a specified group falls below a user-defined reference level (Blim). When the biomass is at or above Blim, the objective has no impact on the optimization.
For Anchovy Bay, we may get results as in Table 1 from the single objectives optimization runs.
Table 1. Policy optimization objective ranges for four runs, each with weight on only one objective at the time.
Optimizing for \ Objective | Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity |
Econ. | 1.84 | 1.15 | 0.96 | 1.02 |
Social | (2.26) | 2.34 | 0.59 | 0.88 |
Ecosys. | 1.28 | 0.68 | 1.32 | 1.05 |
Biodiversity | 0.71 | 0.50 | 1.08 | 1.05 |
Min. value | - | 0.50 | 0.59 | 0.88 |
Max. value | 1.84 | 2.34 | 1.32 | 1.05 |
Range | 1.84 | 1.83 | 0.73 | 0.17 |
1 / range | 0.5 | 0.5 | 1.4 | 5.9 |
Table 1 shows the outcome from the four objective-by-objective runs. The range of objective values are indicated (ignoring negative Net economic values) and make it clear that the two economic objectives have the largest range, followed by Ecosystem structure. The Biodiversity objective has a much more narrow range. There is no truth or absolute values coming out of this exploratory analysis, but it serves to illustrate that using equal weight on all objectives is unlikely to lead to a balanced solution. Instead, as a first estimate for weights to use across fleets one may be able to use the inverse of the ranges, see Table 1.
If a search is stuck with negative profit
It can happen when you start running optimizations with the “limit cost > earnings” option, that both the net economic value and the social indicator (jobs) are negative already at the two initial runs. This indicates that a penalty has been applied in the search routine where the penalty increases rapidly as the ratio cost/income increases toward and exceeds 1.0. Such a penalty is needed to make the optimization move away from fleet efforts that drive cost > earnings.
When it happens from the onset, it indicates that the baseline effort is unsustainable. In the case of Anchovy Bay, the culprit is the sealers fleet, which has a high, unsustainable effort in the base year. In Ecosim run, the fleet is shut down after a few years, but in the optimization, the high initial effort is maintained through the run. The optimization takes the cost and value at the baseline and sums the cost and value at the last year, and it multiplies that last year with a discounted value of what the last years catch would be worth if it were continued for an additional 20 years (i.e. there’s a high weight on the end state relative to the baseline).
In some cases, the optimization routine can find its way out of the unsustainable fleet effort range, but not always. If the routine keeps producing negative indicators for the first two objectives, try making a run where you flatline the effort (1 throughout), and see which fleets end up having negative profit in the last year. Then reduce the effort for those fleets, and run the optimization again.
When running the policy optimization for Anchovy Bay with objective weights = the inverse of ranges from Table 1, the results in the table below are obtained.
Table 2. Objective function values and fleet effort for Anchovy Bay with weights set to inverse range of objectives
Total | Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity |
3.70 | 1.69 | 1.08 | 1.05 | 1.02 |
Sealers | Trawlers | Seiners | Bait boats | Shrimpers |
0.89 | 1.66 | 0.72 | 0.85 | 0.59 |
Local maxima
As part of the exploratory analysis, it is important to check whether the maximization search is impacted by the start point, i.e. whether the optimization solutions are unique. By default the optimization routine will start with the fishing rates defined by the Ecopath baseline. It’s possible, however, to instead using random fleet effort (Random F’s in the policy interface) to check if the optimization routine is likely to get stuck at local maxima. All optimization routines are impacted by this, the ones in EwE being no exceptions.
We illustrate this for Anchovy Bay by running five[2] optimizations for each of the objective-by-objective optimizations in Table 1. The outcome of that exploratory analysis is presented in Table 3.
Table 3. Policy optimization objective ranges for five runs for each objective, all with random starting efforts. The last five columns gives the effort by fleet for each optimization run.
Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity | Sealers | Trawlers | Seiners | Bait boats | Shrimpers |
2.307994 | 1.600545 | 0.7620833 | 0.981218 | 0.9481315 | 1.600292 | 0.8628587 | 14.24617 | 0.7807065 |
2.313311 | 1.601117 | 0.7364601 | 0.9810961 | 1.939418 | 1.602777 | 0.8476689 | 14.24553 | 0.7814299 |
2.313322 | 1.603809 | 0.7316913 | 0.9808723 | 2.206801 | 1.607054 | 0.8748456 | 14.0672 | 0.785188 |
2.313191 | 1.602171 | 0.7303951 | 0.9809262 | 2.29349 | 1.592765 | 0.8799232 | 14.0933 | 0.7848083 |
2.313349 | 1.602375 | 0.7350685 | 0.9809738 | 1.97199 | 1.602736 | 0.8621421 | 14.16296 | 0.7837362 |
Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity | Sealers | Trawlers | Seiners | Bait boats | Shrimpers |
-19.25834 | 2.589118 | 0.4739339 | 0.8744555 | 6.173098 | 25.77898 | 2.345654 | 23.16473 | 1.25707 |
-19.57641 | 2.588579 | 0.4744317 | 0.8745434 | 5.281157 | 26.11426 | 2.342306 | 23.19933 | 1.255073 |
-19.16548 | 2.589167 | 0.4725663 | 0.8743632 | 6.268373 | 25.67935 | 2.342154 | 23.21741 | 1.256758 |
-19.40119 | 2.589167 | 0.4733056 | 0.8745298 | 6.175293 | 25.93024 | 2.341842 | 23.20143 | 1.255151 |
-18.97017 | 2.589473 | 0.4732301 | 0.8744397 | 6.975078 | 25.47672 | 2.343321 | 23.1723 | 1.257565 |
Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity | Sealers | Trawlers | Seiners | Bait boats | Shrimpers |
-7.927298 | 0.06495776 | 1.693754 | 0.9977854 | 0.007353232 | 0.07435308 | 0.04014093 | 0.2550475 | 4.468368 |
-10.58433 | 0.06032345 | 1.697122 | 0.9978008 | 0.006865793 | 0.07251984 | 0.02722613 | 0.3100678 | 5.924903 |
-9.065901 | 0.06485001 | 1.694952 | 0.9977334 | 0.006771198 | 0.07912493 | 0.03791541 | 0.2614262 | 5.094109 |
-15.02071 | 0.1369016 | 1.67754 | 0.9952216 | 0.007990499 | 0.3291468 | 0.03150136 | 0.276816 | 8.432587 |
-8.17986 | 0.06220381 | 1.695556 | 0.9978938 | 0.007032135 | 0.07016774 | 0.03500898 | 0.2569949 | 4.604772 |
Econ. | Social | Ecosys. | Biodiversity | Sealers | Trawlers | Seiners | Bait boats | Shrimpers |
0.604257 | 0.3185709 | 1.195063 | 1.059059 | 0.7485277 | 0.4609928 | 0.2167557 | 0.5806922 | 0.1157559 |
0.6034395 | 0.3180509 | 1.194278 | 1.059058 | 0.7593106 | 0.4593219 | 0.2168904 | 0.5825046 | 0.1155687 |
0.6033903 | 0.3183329 | 1.194942 | 1.059064 | 0.7496017 | 0.4610128 | 0.2168259 | 0.5828595 | 0.115453 |
0.6064887 | 0.3193555 | 1.194864 | 1.059047 | 0.7598627 | 0.4625493 | 0.2135998 | 0.5858067 | 0.1166376 |
0.6059523 | 0.3205638 | 1.196339 | 1.05904 | 0.7319136 | 0.468336 | 0.2147288 | 0.5976073 | 0.1158794 |
Table 2 has four sections, one for each of the objective-by-objective optimizations. As an example, the first sections shows the outcome of the five runs with random starting point effort when optimizing for Net economic value only. The objective function stopped at a very similar value (2.31) in all five runs, and the effort is very similar for each fleet for all runs, with one exception. The effort for Sealers is 0.95 in the first run, and 1.9 – 2.2 in the four others. This may seem like a big difference, but in the optimization, all five effort levels result in the same basic ecological outcome: a total collapse of the target species, seals.
Examining the entire Table 2, it is clear that that in this example, there is very little tendency for the optimization to get stuck on local maxima. The variation in the objective estimates and effort patterns are very similar across each optimization type, with only a few runs indicating presence of local maxima. The fourth run for Ecosystem structure is the only run that seems to differ in any substantial way, indicative of the optimization being unable to find any unique fishing efforts to optimize this objective (which should not surprise you since it is quite a vague objective in the first place).
The conclusion is that policy optimizations for Anchovy Bay are not very prone to get stuck on local maxima. This is also what we have found for many other ecosystem model optimizations, giving some comfort that the starting point isn’t very critical. Still, that needs to be checked for all models, so including a search with random Starting F’s should be included in all more serious policy explorations.
Fleet trade-off analysis
Figure 1. Fleet trade-off analysis for Anchovy Bay showing impact a 10% reduction in effort for the fleet listed in rows has on the fleets listed above columns. Negative impacts are in red, and positive in blue.
A next step of exploratory analysis is the fleet trade-off analysis described in the Fishing policy chapter (link to fleet trade-off). We refer to that section for description, including for code to produce plots.
We suggest that you perform the fleet trade-off analysis for your model and explore the outcome. For Anchovy Bay (Figure 1), the plot shows the impact that a 10% reduction for the fleets mentioned to the left, are predicted to have in the value of the catch for all fleets. Red circles indicate reduction in value, and blue increase. The impacts are displayed so that the circle areas are proportional to the changes in value of the catch, and are thus comparable across fleets[3].
For Anchovy Bay, the fleet trade-off analysis shows some both straightforward and more complex patterns. Notice for instance that a reduction in Bait boats’ effort will have a positive impact on Seiners. That makes sense since the two fleets both catch anchovy. But conversely, a reduction in Seiners’ effort lead to a small reduction in landed value for the Bait boats. Why? Seiners also catch mackerel, and the reduced effort will lead to more mackerel, which in turn will have a negative impact on anchovy, and hence on Bait boats, (which only catch anchovy).
The strongest impact of effort reduction is for Trawlers and Shrimpers, the two fleets that have the highest value in the model base year. Reduction in Trawlers’ effort has a considerable negative impact on Trawlers, but also an almost corresponding negative impact on Shrimpers. That makes sense as the reduction should lead to more cod and whiting, both of which eat shrimp. But conversely, reducing Shrimpers’ effort leads to an increase in shrimp landings (so they must be overexploited in the baseline – given the baseline predator-prey conditions though). But why does this not lead to an increase in the value of Trawlers’ landings? The reason is that shrimp have a positive impact on whiting and mackerel, but a negative impact on cod. Notably, the increase in whiting impacts cod negatively. Those relationships becomes clearer if you check out the Mixed Trophic Impact analysis (Ecopath > Output > Tools > Network Analysis > Mixed trophic impact > Impact data), which shows that Shrimpers have opposite impact on cod versus whiting and mackerel.
Your policy questions?
Having explored the behaviour of your model, e.g., as described above, the next issue is to clearly define what questions you are asking for your model. An example of this is Alms et al. 2022, [4] who compared output from three defined Ecosim scenarios, (1) ban on shrimp trawling, (2) gill net effort reduction of 25%, and (3) the combination of (1) and (2), and then compared these to the output of single- and multi-objective policy optimizations. Here, the multi-objective optimizations were designed to serve as more balanced solutions. See the paper for details.
While the complex patterns in Figure 1 can be explained as done above, they raise some questions. There is a big negative impact of reducing Trawlers’ effort and a big positive impact of reducing Shrimpers’ effort. Is this then what we should explore? Well, it’s certainly interesting scenarios, but there are some complications, and it is in line with what actually happened in Anchovy Bay. Effort of trawlers indeed increased 2-3 times over time, but the shrimp effort increased by almost an order of magnitude. How can that make sense when the fleet trade-off analysis indicate that shrimp catches would increase if Shrimpers’ effort was reduced? That finding is not wrong, but it doesn’t not consider that the increase in the Trawlers’ effort reduced the abundance of cod and whiting, which in turn lead to many more shrimps being available for the Shrimpers. Predator-release!
Media Attributions
- EcoScope logo
- Illegal, unregulated and unreported ↵
- For actual implementations, especially if for subsequent publication, it may be advisable to make more runs. ↵
- The monetary value of the fleet-tradeoffs can be obtained from the CSV file used for producing the fleet trade-off plots ↵
- Alms V, Romagnoni G, Wolff M. Exploration of fisheries management policies in the Gulf of Nicoya (Costa Rica) using ecosystem modelling. Ocean and Coastal Management 230 (2022) 106349. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2022.106349 ↵