#============= Set up directory links and folders =============================
work.dir = dirname(rstudioapi::getActiveDocumentContext()$path)
#———————–Definition of variables————————————————
dt = 0.2 # time per timestep
timesteps = 1000 # number of time steps
time = seq(1,timesteps) * dt # time for plotting
# masss action
Nt = rep(0,timesteps) # number of prey per timestep
dNdt = rep(0,timesteps) # change in prey numbers per timestep
Pt = rep(0,timesteps) # number of predators per timestep
dPdt = rep(0,timesteps) # change in predator numbers per timestep
#foraging arena
Nv = rep(0,timesteps) # number of prey per timestep with foraging arena
Vt = rep(0,timesteps) # number of vulnerable prey per timestep
dVdt = rep(0,timesteps) # change in vulnerable prey numbers per timestep
Qt = rep(0,timesteps) # number of predators per timestep with foraging arena
dQdt = rep(0,timesteps) # change in predator numbers per timestep with foraging arena
br = 0.4 # prey birth rate
mr = 0.2 # prey death rate
Rmax =0.5 # prey max recruits
ar = 10 # rate of effective search
md = 0.2 # predator death rate
eff = 0.3 # predator food conversion efficiency
ht = 2 # handling time
#for foraging arena
vone = 100 # movement to vul state
vtwo = 100 # movement to safety
#———————–Definition of variables————————————————
for(i in 1:timesteps) {
if(i==1) {
# mass action
Pt[i] = 0.07 # initial predator number
Nt[i] = 0.17 # initial prey number
# foraging arena
Qt[i] = Pt[i] # initial predator number with foraging
Nv[i] = Nt[i] # initial preyr number with foraging
} else if(i==2) {
# mass action
Pt[i] = Pt[i-1] + dPdt[i-1] * dt
Nt[i] = Nt[i-1] + dNdt[i-1] * dt
# foraging arena
Qt[i] = Qt[i-1] + dQdt[i-1] * dt
Nv[i] = Nv[i-1] + dVdt[i-1] * dt
} else {
# mass action
Pt[i] = Pt[i-1] + (3*dPdt[i-1]-dPdt[i-2]) / 2 * dt # Second-Order Adams-Bashforth Method
Nt[i] = Nt[i-1] + (3*dNdt[i-1]-dNdt[i-2]) / 2 * dt # yi+1 = yi + h2 [3f(xi , yi)− f(xi−1 , yi−1)]
# foraging arena
Qt[i] = Qt[i-1] + (3*dQdt[i-1]-dQdt[i-2]) / 2 * dt
Nv[i] = Nv[i-1] + (3*dVdt[i-1]-dVdt[i-2]) / 2 * dt
Vt[i] = vone * Nv[i] / (vone + vtwo + ar * Qt[i])
# prey calculations
prey.death = Nt[i] * mr # initial prey deaths
v.death = Nv[i] * mr
prey.eaten = ar * Nt[i] * Pt[i] / (1 + ht * Nt[i]) # Hollings disk equation
v.eaten = ar * Vt[i] * Qt[i] / (1 + ht * Vt[i]) # Hollings disk equation (foraging)
prey.birth = Nt[i] * br / (1 + br * Nt[i]/Rmax) # Beverton-Holt recruitment
v.birth = Nv[i] * br / (1 + br * Nv[i]/Rmax) # Beverton-Holt recruitment (foraging)
dNdt[i] = prey.birth – prey.eaten – prey.death
dVdt[i] = v.birth – v.eaten – v.death
# predator calculations
pred.death = Pt[i] * md
pred.birth = prey.eaten * eff
dPdt[i] = pred.birth – pred.death
#foraging predator
q.death = Qt[i] * md
q.birth = v.eaten * eff
dQdt[i] = q.birth – q.death
#Set a plotting window with one column and two rows.
plot(time, Nt,type=’l’, xlab=’Time’, ylab = “Numbers”,lty=1,lwd=3,col=”red”, main=”Mass action model”)
lines(time, Pt, xlab=’Time’, ylab = “Numbers”,lty=1,lwd=3,col=”blue”)
legend(“topright”, legend=c(“Prey”, “Predator”),col=c(“red”, “blue”), lty=1, cex=1)
plot(Nt, Pt,type=’l’, xlab=’Prey numbers’, ylab = “Predator numbers”, main=”Phase space (mass action)”,
plot(time, Nv,type=’l’, xlab=’Time’, ylab = “Numbers”,ylim=c(0,max(Nv)),lty=1,lwd=3,col=”red”, main=”Foraging arena model”)
lines(time, Qt, xlab=’Time’, ylab = “Numbers”,lty=1,lwd=3,col=”blue”)
legend(“topright”, legend=c(“Prey”, “Predator”),col=c(“red”, “blue”), lty=1, cex=1)
plot(Nv, Qt,type=’l’, xlab=’Prey numbers’, ylab = “Predator numbers”, main=”Phase space (foraging arena)”,