Tutorial: Results Extractor

If the Results extractor isn’t selectable when you try loading it: you need to run Ecosim before it can be selected.

There is a Results Extractor plug-in in EwE developed by CEFAS, and you can use it to more easily extract results from Ecosim runs (compared to getting results from Ecosim > Output > Ecosim results). You’ll find it at Menu > Tools > Results extractor. The details of how the plug-in works are explained in the Results Extractor chapter of the EwE User Guide, here we’ll only show a simple example.

Next open a version of EwE, e.g., the fitted version from this link (but any version will do).  Run Ecosim. Then load the Results Extractor (Menu > Tools > Results Extractor), and you should see the interface in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Results Extractor interface. You can decide where to Save Results by clicking the button so named, and browse to a folder of your preference. As soon as you have selected where to Save Results, Ecosim will run and save the requested. Rerunning Ecosim will save all files all options.

From the interface, select the options that you would like to extract results for. A major advantage of the Results Extractor is that you can extract results for selected functional groups, predator-prey combinations or fleets as well as selected indicators (Figure 1). This is demonstrated in Figure 2, where only Anchovy has been selected – so results files will only store results for anchovy.

Figure 2. Change selection: Anchovy results will be selected.

After you have selected what you want to save, Ecosim will run and save the selected (be careful not to run Ecosim again as this will result in all files/options being selected).

Try it out.

Media Attributions

  • Menu > Tools > Results Extractor
  • Menu > Tools > Results Extractor > Change selection


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Ecosystem Modelling with EwE Copyright © 2024 by Ecopath International Initiative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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