
Chapter 11: Ostomy care

11.1 Introduction

An ostomy is a surgically created opening from the urinary tract or intestines, where effluent (urine, fecal matter, or mucous) is rerouted to the outside of the body using an artificially created opening called a stoma. A stoma typically protrudes above the skin, is pink to red in colour, moist, and circular shaped, with no nerve sensations. Ostomy surgeries are performed when part of the bowel or urinary system is diseased and therefore removed in order to assist with elimination needs.

This chapter reviews different kinds of ostomies  including continent ostomies;  physical and emotional considerations for persons with an ostomy; and the mechanics of flange changes and care of the appliance.

Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate colostomy, ileostomy and urostomy.
  • Discuss physical and emotional considerations that may impact ability to care for one’s ostomy.
  • Discuss care and maintenance of ostomy appliances in relation to:
    • what to expect in terms of drainage.
    • flange application and pouch drainage.
    • peristomal skin care and maintenance.


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