
The Back

Combined with Thorax section***

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what the thoracic cage is and the components of it (ribs, sternum, etc).
  • Be able to identify the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral vertebrae that make up the vertebral column and their unique feature (refer to head and neck, abdominal, and pelvis sections for additional vertebrae information).
  • Understand the actions, origins & insertions, and nerve innervations of the Erector Spinae muscles.
  • Identify to 5 major ligaments in the vertebral column and know their action and position.
  • Know what the mediastinum is, how blood flow is organized to and from the heart, and anatomy fo the heart.
  • Develop a general understanding of some of the clinical conditions in the Thorax region.


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Advanced Anatomy 2nd. Ed. Copyright © 2018 by PHED 301 Students is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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